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   Johnny Friedlaender : Biography

    Part 2


Arc en Ciel Blanc - Oil on Canvas -
In May 1970, an exhibition entitled "Bilder-Zeichungen-Radierungen" is organized by the "Smücking Gallery" in Braumschweig.

Associating with the composer K.H. Stockhausen, an album entitled "Mikrophonie" with seven prints and four musical sketches is published by "Manus Presse".

He travels to Buenos Aires for an exhibition at the "Museo del Grabado".
He goes to New York for an exhibition of his printed works and paintings at the Far Gallery.
Entitled "Gracieux Soleil de la Nuit" (
Gracious Night Sun), after Novalis, an album containing four prints is published by "La Hune" in Paris.

"Propyläen Verlag" in Berlin publishes the album entitled "Fleurs et Couples" (Flowers and Couples) -  eight prints.
An exhibition of his work is held at the Museum of Art and History in Geneva.

"Manus Presse" publishes "Vols d'oiseaux" (Flights of Birds), seven prints.
In March, he travels to Hamburg for an exhibition entitled "Paintings and Prints" at the "Commeter Gallery".
He travels to and exhibits in Nuremberg and Lausanne.

From March 4 to March 12, exhibition at the "Kunstmesse (Art Fair) Düsseldorff - Orangerie Köln Gallery" : "Gemalde, Gouachen, Zeichnungen, Graphik" (Oils, Gouaches, Drawings, Prints). Braque, Buffet, Chagall, Dali, Friedlaender, Matisse, Miro, Picasso, Rouault, Berrocal.

Les Grands Oiseaux II  Engraving

He now produces his largest printed work ever, entitled "Les Grands Oiseaux II" (The Great Birds II).
It features three copper-plates measuring 103.5cm. x 74.5cm.
The series of copper-plates and test-pieces are deposited with the “Musée Unterlinden” in Colmar.


Self-portrait  Engraving 1968

The "Schmücking" Gallery in Braumschweig publishes the first volume of the descriptive catalogue of his printed works from 1930 to 1972 (477 prints reproduced).   

The album"Sieben Landschaften" (Seven Landscapes), featuring seven of his prints, is published by "Manus Presse". "The  Seasons" album is published in New York by Horn - three prints.

Catalogue Köln
Oiseaux V - Oil on Canvas - Catalogue Montréal Fleurs - Oil on Canvas -
June-July, exhibition at the "Orangerie Gallery" in Köln: “Oils,Watercolours, Prints.” Catalogue. "  

Exhibition at the "Musée d'Art Contemporain de Montréal" : prints, paintings. Presentation by J.Adhémar, chief curator of the BNF (French National Library).

Publication of "Polyphonic music and the art of Friedlaender", text by R.S.Horn in the 40
th edition of "XXe Siècle" (XXth Century) art magazine.
This edition includes original lithographs by Marino Marini, Friedlaender, Motherwell and Jasper Johns.

A film entitled "Friedlaender the engraver", is made by André Flédérick and André Parinaud, on behalf of the ORTF (French national television network).

An exhibition as a homage to Friedlaender is held at the "Cabinet des Estampes" of the museum of Strasburg, at the Municipal Library in Mulhouse, in the context of the First European Biennale, at the Municipal Library in Colmar, and at the "Museum der Stadt", in Regensburg.

Catalogue Les Champs  - Oil on Canvas - Fleurs IV  - Oil on Canvas -
March 22 - April 25, exhibition of oils and prints at the "Albert Verbeke Gallery", Place de Furstemberg, in Paris (6°) - twelve oils, 1968-1973 and twenty eight prints -.

Conceived together with the composer H.W.Henze, the album "Das Blumenfest", counting seven prints and musical compositions, is published by "Manus Presse". 

A film on Friedlaender is produced by the German television.
The album entitled "Die Wunder des Himmels" (The wonders of the heavens) is published by "Peerling", seven prints.

Montagne Ciel Noir  - Oil on Canvas -
An exhibition entitled "Peintres Français Contemporains" (French Contemporary Painters) takes place at the B.N.F (National Library) in Paris, from February 21 to March 9. The participants include Poliakoff, Manessier, Singier, Soulages, Vieira de Silva, Szenes, Friedlaender. Catalogue, text by Jean Selz.

Paysage II  - Oil on Canvas -

From June 14 to July 20, exhibition at the "Kunsthalle" in Tübingen. Oils and prints.

Catalogue Formes  - Oil on Canvas - Paysage Ciel Ocre  - Oil on Canvas -
"Europalia 75", Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Belgium. Exhibition of oils and prints at the Temporary Museum of Modern Art in Brussels, from September 26 to November 30. Catalogue. Texts by Philippe Roberts-Jones, chief curator of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Belgium, and by Robert Sydney Horn. 

Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Tel Aviv, and at the
"Maison de France", Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Catalogue and text by R.S.Horn.
ication of Six Palettes" (Six Pallets), by "Leidseplein Presse", in Amsterdam - six prints - as well as "Hommage au Studio der Frühen Musik" (A tribute to the Studio der Frühen Musik) by "Manus Presse". Five prints.

Catalogue Montagne  - Oil on Canvas - Fleurs I - Oil on Canvas -

Publication of the book devoted to his painting. "Tableaux, Bilder, Paintings 1966-1975", is published by "Manus Presse",  in Stuttgart, with a text by Philippe Roberts-Jones entitled : "Friedlaender als Maler" (Friedlaender as Painter).


Catalogue Colline Verte  - Oil on Canvas -
An exhibition of his work takes place at the "Frans Hals Museum", in Haarlem. Text by H.L.C. Jaffé.
The album entitled "Friedlaender at the Frans Hals Museum" is published by "Leidseplein Presse".

Retrospective of his work at the "Stätichen Museum" in Braunschweig on the occasion of the publication of the second volume of the descriptive catalogue of his printed works, 1973-1976 by the "Schmücking Gallery" 105 prints reproduced.


He is named "Officer of the Arts and Letters".

Catalogue Trois Formes sur Fond Blanc 
Pavot Blanc, Pencil - 1973

- Oil on Canvas -

The Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris presents a retrospective of his work (1948-1978), prints, paintings and tapestries. Catalogue, foreword by Jacques Lassaigne, text by Robert S.Horn.
From December 2 to January 6, 1979, the "K.G.Schäfer Gallery" in Giessen exhibits his "Bilder - Zeichnungen - Radierungen".

Exhibitions :
- From March 30 to April 20, at "Peerlings Gallery" : "Johnny Friedlaender: Ölbilder, Zeichnungen, Radierungen".
- From June 22 to September 17 : "Oils, Prints", at the Museum of Fine Arts of the city of Nancy.

"Illuminations", poems by Arthur Rimbaud, with six of his prints, are published by "Bibliophiles de Provence".
Publication of "Autrement" (Otherwise), by "La Hune", in Paris - three prints.


Grand Paysage II  - Oil on Canvas -
From June 29 to September 10, 1980, the first retrospective of his work in East Germany takes place at the "Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Kupferstichkabinet" in the "Albertinum" of Dresden, where his oils, prints, and sketches are shown. Catalogue : text by Werner Schmitt, director of the "Kupferstichkabinet".  

1980 and 1981 - "Peerlings", in Krefeld, publishes twos series of three prints named "Compositions" for the album of watercolours entitled "Un Petit Herbier" (A Small Herbarium).
1981 -
"Poèmes Touaregs" (Tuareg poems), poems by Charles de Foucauld, with four prints by Friedlaender, are published by "G.K.Karl Vonderbank" in Frankfurt.

He is awarded the "Lovis-Corinth Prize", given to him at the "Ostdeutsche Gallery" in Regensburg.

Publication of the third volume of the descriptive catalogue 1977-1981 by "Schmücking". The volume counts 123 prints reproduced.

1982 - Publication by "Manus Presse", of the catalogue entitled "Johnny Friedlaender Bilder, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Radierungen" on the occasion of  "Art 13" in Basel.

          - "Peerlings" publishes the album : "Arpeggio" - four prints -.

New exhibitions take place in various museums :
          - in Finland (itinerant exhibitions in six museums),
          - in France,at Caen (1983),
          - in Luxemburg (1984).

1984 - "Peerlings" publishes "Friedlaender Zeichnungen" (drawings), text by Siegfried Salzmann.
tober - exhibition of his printed work at the Municipal Gallery of the city of Luxemburg.

1985 - A film entitled: "Friedlaender, Portrait d'artiste" (Friedlaender, Portrait of an artist) is made for "Radio-Télé-Luxembourg", by L. Thorn and G. Santini.

1986 - "Peerlings" publishes : "Meditations" - four prints -.
          - "Manus Presse" publishes the album entitled "Prières de l'Aube" (Dawn Prayers), - five prints -.
                                                        "Friedlaender Radierungen", text by Siegfried Salzmann.

In October, "France Culture", (French Cultural Radio) devotes a program entitled "Le Réel entre Chien et Loup, le Graveur Friedlaender" (In the twilight of reality, Friedlaender the engraver), to him, in the series "Chemins de la Connaissance" (The Roads to Knowledge). Talks with Pascale Lismonde.

His state of health deteriorates. He is hospitalized several times.

1987 - He undergoes surgery and must take special precautions to be able to go on working. He is no longer allowed to use nitric acid and develops a technique of his own to keep full mastery over his work.
During this period, he keeps painting on canvas and doing watercolours.

Catalogue Paysage avec Nuage  - Oil on Canvas - Paysage  - Oil on Canvas - Deux collines  - Oil on Canvas -
For his 75th birthday, a retrospective of his work is organized at the "Künsthalle" in Bremen (1987) : Prints, Watercolours, Oils, and at the "Mönchehaus" in Goslar" (1988).
Selection of works and lay-out under the responsibility of Brigitte Coudrain.
Catalogue f
oreword by museum curator Dr. Siegfried Salzmann.

G.J.F. Oiseaux, Pencil - 1977 G.J.F. Composition, Pencil
Friedlaender is interviewed by the DR. Salzmann for "Punkt" magazine.


Hommage à Fid 1988   -Gravure-

November, death of Fid, his wife.

"Peerlings" publishes the fourth volume of the descriptive catalogue of his printed work (102 prints reproduced).
"Manus Presse" publishes the album "Pour un herbier nocturne" (For a nighttime herbarium) - five prints -.


The "Bibliophiles de Provence" publish "Les Regrets, Rêveries couleur du temps" (Regrets, Musings In Our Times), text by Marcel Proust, five prints.
August 31, France Culture (French national radio) devotes a program to him in the series "Mémoire du siècle" (Memory of the century) entitled : "Johnny Friedlaender, Graveur, Peintre" (Johnny Friedlaender, Engraver, Painter). Talks with Pascale Lismonde.
He t
ravels to Villeneuve-lez-Avignon in the company of Brigitte to see the famed "Crowning of the Virgin", painting by Enguerrand Quarton.


He is named a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Belgium, presided by Philippe Robert Jones.

Paysage - Oil on Canvas - Graffiti - Engraving -
Last Watercolour

In September
, Friedlaender paints what will turn out to be his last oil painting, his last watercolour and produces his last engraved print at Leblanc’s atelier.  
In October,on the occasion of the "Biennale" in Venice, he is invited to the exhibition entitled "Oltre il segno : quattro maestri della grafica contemporanea" : Johnny Friedlaender, Henri Goetz, Stanley Hayter, Emilio Vedova. Catalogue, four interviews.

Paysage au Ciel Noir  - Oil on Canvas -
At the beginning of the year, with Brigitte Coudrain, the idea of a donation to the Museum in Dresden had taken form. As he was now too sick, Brigitte Coudrain played host in his stead, at his home, rue Saint Jacques in Paris, to Werner Schmidt, curator of the “Küpferstichkabinet” in Dresden.
On this occasion, the gift of an oil painting on canvas entitled "Paysage au Ciel Noir" (Landscape under Black Sky) was made, to which would be added the donation of some 150 of his prints.
From May 6 to June 5, in his absence, retrospective for his eightieth birthday at the "Bundeskanzleramt" (Chancellery) at Bonn, speech by Dr.Helmut Kohl. Curator Werner Schmidt is present.

Johnny Friedlaender died in Paris on the eighteenth of June.

June 21th, Dr. Berthold Roland, Curator of the "Landesmuseum" in Mainz, posthumously awards him the "Paul Strecker" medal.

Trois Formes sur Fond Sombre
Catalogue Trois Formes au Graphisme Rouge

- Oil on Canvas -
- Oil on Canvas -

The re
trospective for his eightieth birthday turns into two posthumous homages:
     - June 21 to September 6 at the “Landesmuseum” in Mainz.
     - October 4 to November 29, at the “Angermuseum” in Erfurt.
"Peerlings" publishes "Johnny Friedlaender, Bonn - Mainz - Erfurt 1992".
The German press pays him a major tribute as well.


Brigitte Coudrain - Formes sur Fond d'Or

As desired and organized by Brigitte Coudrain, a double exhibition of his work is held at "Goethe Institut" and the "Couvent des Cordeliers" in Paris. Vernissage-prelims by Albert Flocon.  Paintings, prints, watercolours and tapestries  In the presence of Jean-Marie Dunoyer.
Catalogue : "Johnny Friedlaender, from Dresden to Paris, from black to colour".
A radio programme by Pierre Descargues is devoted to his work on "France-Culture".

Second donation made by Brigitte Coudrain to the Museum of Dresden (paintings, sketches and prints.)
August 1995, "Galerie Kutter" in Luxemburg. "Friedlaender : paintings, watercolours, etchings". Catalogue, text by Brigitte Coudrain.


La femme et la montagne 30/39
Femme à genoux 30/39
Une paysanne 30/39
Cheval Bondissant 30/35
The "Gallerie Sanchez" in Paris, publishes and organizes an exhibition of the album "Dresden, The Hague, Paris", titled by Brigitte Coudrain, regrouping eleven unpublished prints dating from 1995. These are printed in the Leblanc Atelier by the copper-plate printer Paul Decottignies.
The copper-plates, much regretted by Friedlaender who believed them lost or destroyed, had accompanied him on his flight through Europe.
Hidden by Johnny, they had survived the ransacking of their studio during the war years.
After lying forgotten for several decades, they were discovered by chance, by Brigitte Coudrain, after Fiedlaender’s death, in the double bottom of a cupboard, in the apartment located Impasse du Rouet.

Brigitte Coudrain decides to make the first Friedlaender donation to the "Musée Unterlinden" in Colmar.
An exhibition of this donation takes place from December 13, 1996 to February 28, 1997, with Sylvie Ramond acting as commissioner.

Les deux Mères 1930/35
Catalogue published by the "Musée Unterlinden".

"Musée Unterlinden" in Colmar ; from October 19, 1997 to March 1, 1998, exhibition and publication of the brochure : "Abstractions, France 1940-1965". Sylvie Lecoq-Ramond, commissioner.
Atlan, Bazaine, Bissier, Bissière, Bryen, Debré, Degottex, Dubuffet, Estève, Fautrier, Friedlaender , Hantaï , Hartung, Lapicque, Magnelli, Manessier, Mathieu, Michaux, Poliakoff, Reigl, Soulages, de Staël, Tal-Coat, Bram and Geer Van Velde, Vieira da Silva, Wols, Wou-Ki.

published by the "Musée Unterlinden".

Brigitte Coudrain decides to make the first donation to the "Jacques Doucet" Library of the I.N.H.A. in Paris (proofs, copper-plates, drawings…)


"Peerlings" in Krefeld publishes the fifth and last volume of the descriptive catalogue of his printed work (1988-1992), 33 prints reproduced (text by Werner Schmidt, photographs by Paul Decottignies).

Exhibition in Braunschweig and Trier.


Femme nue (1939?) Double Vol (1954?) - Copper plate
Double Vol (1954?) - Engraving

Publication of  "Johnny Friedlaender
, Gravures inédites", 100 prints rediscovered by Brigitte Coudrain, as a complement to the exhibition of the prints included in this second donation by Brigitte Coudrain.
The exhibition is organized by the "Musée d'Unterlinden", with Sylvie Lecoq-Ramond as commissioner, published by "RMN" in the series "reConnaître" (Recognize


Paysage 1979  - Oil on Canvas - Paysage 1983  - Oil on Canvas -

Exhibition entitled "Vom Otto Mueller Bis Oskar Schlemmer, Künstler der Breslauer Akademie (From Otto Mueller to Oskar Schlemmer, Artists of Breslauer Akademie).
- From May 11 to August 11, 2002, "Staatliches Museum" in Schwerin.
- From September 1 to October 27, 2002,  "Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie", in Regensburg.
- From
November 20 to January 19, 2003, "Nationalmuseum", in Wroclaw.

Catalogue, text by Hela Baudis referring to Philippe Roberts-Jonescurator of the Belgian Royal Arts Museums - catalogues "Manus Presse" 1976 and "Mainz" 1992-. The object being to give Friedlaender further recognition as the "Master of Interior Landscape".


From May to September 2006, exhibition at the "Prieuré d’Airaines" (Somme district, north of Paris) : drawings, watercolours, oils, tapestries.


Double exhibition for the second donation to the I.N.H.A. (National Institute of the History of Art) by Brigitte Coudrain (archives, catalogues, correspondence, invitations, posters…).
On this occasion, an exhibition entitled "Jo
hnny Friedlaender, le graveur dans son temps" (J. F., the engraver of his time) is held.
From September 18 to November 8, 2008 : "L' Artiste et son Oeuvre" (The artist and his work).
From November 18 to January 3, 2009 : "Autour d'un Atelier" (In and around an atelier).
Commissioner Isabelle Cahn, catalogue published by the
I.N.H.A, foreword Antoinette Le Normand-Romain.